
o compunere in engleza despre ce imi doresc de crăciun [ imi doresc o drona , asta am si primit :) ] dacă e bună dau COROANA

Răspuns :

All i wanted for Christmas was a drone, i always wished  a drone, it's one of my big desire and now is complete ! Thank you, my dear dear parents,  ups.. or should i say thank you Mr. Santa? I am grateful, for what i have anyway.
 What i want to  do with a drone? I want  to put on it a video camera and to record for a long long period, in the day time and night day and to make a movie with  every single landscape  from my city, because i want that all people of my county to see how beautiful it is our city. I will present the video in the next city festival, i already speak with some people about it and they   accept my initiative.
I always wanted a drone to make some beautiful photo/video and now i  have one and i can to share beautiful things with  all people.