
vreau si eu traduse propozitiile cu present simplu , prezent continuu,trecutul simplu , trecutul continuu .
1. Pe cand imi cautam ochelarii , a sunat telefonul , in timp ce mergeam sa raspund , cineva a batut la usa , telefonul inca mai suna cand am deschis usa , dar cand m-am intors , el s-a speriat.
2. Intentionam sa te rog sa ma ajuti , dar dormeai cand am intrat in camera ta , asa ca am renuntat si am facut totul singur.
3. Am sunat la tine la usa , dar nu mi-a raspuns nimeni desi auzeam muzica inauntru .
Urgent va rog

Răspuns :

1. While I was looking for my glasses, the phone rang, in the time when I was going to answer, someone knocked at the door, the phone was still ringing when i opened the door, but when I came back he got scared.
2. I Intended to ask you to help me, but you were sleeping when I entered in your room, so I gave up and I made it all by my self.
3. I rang at you door, but no one answered me , even dough I was hearing music from inside