
Close Encounter ?

Fay Knowles and her three sons were driving in the South Australian desert when suddenly a ' huge , bright , glowing obiect ' followed them and lifted the car up into the air .

When they later reported this curious thing to the police , Sergeant James Fennel naturally didn't believe them . But when he inspected the car , he found it covered in thick black dust , and there was damage to the car's roof . The family insisted that the ' obiect ' flew over the car and suddenly lifted it into the air and then dropped it back on the road . They also say that their voices changed at the time of the incident , and they could only speak very slowly .

Police say they received other reports . A truck driver complained that a bright flying object followed him . An aircraft reported a bright light in the same part of the desert . And then the crew of a fishing trawler reported the same object flying not far from them .

1. Traducerea textului !

2. Now read the text carefully and do the exercises .

a ) Match these words from the text with the definitions on the right .

¹ ) curious a kind of boat

² ) inspected enormous

³ ) huge strange

⁴ ) trawler looked at carefully

3. What do these pronouns refer to ?

¹ ) them ( line 5 ) ³ ) it ( line 11 ) ⅝ ) them ( line 30 )
² ) he ( line 11 ) ⁴ ) him ( line 25 )

4. ¹ ) Do you think the people saw a UFO ? Or did they make it up ? Or is there another explanation ?

5 ) Read the newspaper article . Find the answers to the questions .

¹ ) How many people were in the car ?

² ) What followed the car ?

³ ) What happened to the people’ s voices ?

⁴ ) How many other reports of the UFO were there ?

Vă mulțumesc !

Răspuns :

1. Traducerea textului

Fay Knowles și cei trei fii ai ei mergeau cu mașina prin deșertul din Australia de Sud, când deodată un obiect uriaș, luminos și incandescent îi urmări și le ridică mașina în aer.

Atunci când au raportat
mai târziu la poliție acest lucru curios (această curiozitate), normal că sergentul James Fennel nu i-a crezut. Însă când acesta a inspectat mașina, a găsit-o acoperită cu praf negru și gros și acoperișul mașinii era deteriorat. Familia spuse cu insistență că „obiectul” zbură pe deasupra mașinii și o ridică deodată în aer, după care o lăsă înapoi pe șosea. Aceștia mai spun că în momentul incidentului li s-a schimbat vocea și pot vorbi doar foarte încet.

Poliția precizează că s-au primit și alte raportări. Un șofer de tir s-a plâns că un obiect zburător luminos l-a urmărit. Pilotul unui avion a raportat o lumină strălucitoare în aceeași parte (zonă) a deșertului. Iar apoi, echipajul unui trauler de pescuit a raportat același obiect zburător nu departe de ei.

2. Now read the text carefully and do the exercises .

a) Match these words from the text with the definitions on the right .

¹ ) curious = strange

² ) inspected = looked at carefully

³ ) huge = 

⁴ ) trawler = 
a kind of boat

3. What do these pronouns refer to ?

(Aici depinde de textul tipărit, pe ce rând se află pronumele la care se face referire.)
¹ ) them ( line 5 ) - Dacă se referă la cuvântul din acest fragment: „
Sergeant James Fennel naturally didn't believe them”, atunci them = Fay Knowles and her three sons 
² ) he ( line 11 ) he = the policeman
³ ) it ( line 11 ) it = the car
(Dacă 2) și 3) sunt luate din acest fragment: „
But when he inspected the car , he found it covered”)
⁴ ) him ( line 25 ) = truck driver
(Dacă 4) este pronume preluat din acest fragment: „
a bright flying object followed him”)
⅝ ) them ( line 30 ) = crew of a fishing trawler 
(Dacă 5) e pronume luat de la finalul acestui fragment: „And then the crew of a fishing trawler reported the same object flying not far from them”).

4. ¹ ) Do you think the people saw a UFO? Or did they make it up? Or is there another explanation?
Yes, I think the people saw a UFO, because they couldn't have the same story. The family was driving in the desert, truck driver was in the same area, the pilot of the aircraft was flying, the crew of the fishing trawler was sailing in the ocean. All of them were in the same area, but in different locations of that region. They all look very serious people, nobody would expect a pilot, for example, to make up such a story. And the fact that they all reported the incident to the police during the same period is another proof of their honesty.

5 ) Read the newspaper article . Find the answers to the questions .

¹ ) How many people were in the car?
There were four people in the car: 
Fay Knowles and her three sons.

² ) What followed the car ?
A huge , bright , glowing obiect followed the car.

³ ) What happened to the people’ s voices ?
The people's voices changed, they could only speak very slowly.

⁴ ) How many other reports of the UFO were there?
There were three more reports, except the family's: the reports made by the truck driver, the one made by the pilot of an aircraft and the third one, the report received from a crew of a fishing trawler.