
Cine stie engleza va rog sa mi traduceti si mie urmatoarea compunere " Vacanta de Craciun am petrecut o impreuna cu familia. In aceasta vacanta m am odihnit si am fost mereu alaturi de cei dragi. M am bucurat foarte mult cand am aflat ca vom avea inca o saptamana de vacanta din cauza ninsorii. De cand am inceput vacanta de Craciun am inceput sa ma pregatesc de Sarbatoarea Craciunului prin a impodobii bradul si casa cu multe luminite colorate si beteala. Cu cateva zile inainte de de Craciun au venit si colindatorii care ne au cantat fel si fel de colinde aducandu ne spiritul acestei sarbatori. A trecut foarte repede dar am ramas cu o amintire frumoasa" va rog muuult :**&

Răspuns :

I spent the Christmas holiday with his family. In this vacation I've rested and I was always with your loved ones. I was very happy when I learned that we have another week of vacation because of snow. Since I started the Christmas holidays I started preparing for the celebration of Christmas tree and house by impodobii with many colored lights and tinsel. A few days before Christmas carol came and we sang carols and just kind of bringing us the spirit of this holiday. It passed very quickly but I left with a nice memory.