
traducere '' It was late in the evening of December 16th 1878. Doctor Charles Blunden, a well-known Liverpool doctor , was still in his surgery. At about 9pm somebody knocked at the door. On the doorstep there was a boy of about twelve wearing dirty trousers no shoes. There was a dark blue scarf around his neck. "Doctor!'' he cried . Please come with me! My mother's ill! I think she's dying. The Doctor followed the boy to a street near the surgery. The boy pointed to a woman on the ground.
She was unconscious. The doctor looked at the woman and then stopped a passing horse and cab. The doctor and boy lifted the woman into the cab.
at the hospital the doctor treated the woman for pneumonia and luckily she recovered completely. Some weeks later, the woman thanked Doctor Blunden for saving her life. He smiled and said that the real person to thank was the woman's son. ''My son?'' she said, ''No, not my son!'' and she started to cry. ''My son died from fever two years ago''. Doctor Blunden was amazed. The woman continued , ''This is all I have to remember him by''. She recognized a dark blue from around her neck. ''It was his. I always wear in the winter''. Doctor Blunden pulled it immediately. It was the barefoot boy's scarf.

Răspuns :

Era tarziu in seara zilei de 16 decembrie 1878. Doctor Charles Blunden, un bine cunoscut doctor din Liverpool, a fost inca in operatie. Cam pe la ora 21 cineva a batut la usa. La usa era un baiat de aproximativ 12 ani purtand pantaloni murdari si fara pantofi. Avea un fular albastru in jurul gatului sau. "Doctore!", a strigat. Va rog sa veniti cu mine ! Mama mea este bolnava. Cred ca e pe moarte. Doctorul l-a urmat pe baiat pe o strada in apropierea intersectiei chirurgicale. Baiatul a aratart o femeie pe teren. Era inconstienta. Doctorul se uita la femeie si apoi sa oprit un cal la o cabina. Medicul si baiatul au ridicat femeia in cabina. La spital doctorul a tratat femeia de pleumonie si, din fericire, ea si-a revenit complet. Dupa cateva saptamani mai tarziu, femeia i-a multumit Doctorului Blunden pentru ca ia salvat viata. El a zambit si i-a zis ca persoana careia trebuie sa ii multumeasca este fiului ei. "Fiul meu?", a spus ea." Nu, nu fiul meu!", si a inceput sa planga. "Fiul meu a murit de febra acum doi ani." Doctorul Blunden a fost uimit. Femeia a continuat, asta este tot ce imi amintesc de el. Ea a recunoscut un fular lbastru in jurul gatului ei. Era al lui. Il purta mereu iarna. Doctorul Blunden a tras-o imediat. Era esarfa baiatului descult.