
Fill in the blanks with words in the box:library,bookshop,back cover,title,pubishing house,introduction,author.front cover,ilustration, table of contents,chapter.1] you can borrow books from a .....or buy them from a .....?2]a writer can also be called an .....?3]i can't remember the ......of the book but i know its front ....is blue?4]the first part of the book in which the writer tells you what the book is about is called the.......?5]novels like ''David Copperfild ' are divided into several.....?6]you can find the titles of the chapters in this book by looking at the.....?7]a good ......on the front cover shows what the book is about?8]you can find interesing opinions about the book by reading the....?9]Oxford Univrsity Press is the name of a ......? multumesc celor ce ma ajuta