
II. Translate the following sentences into ntences into English :

1. Serveste o prajitura.
2.- Unde sunt dansatorii?
- Jane si Tim au mers Ia biblioteca, ceiIaIti au plecat acasa.
3. Cum se traduce in engleza cuvântul "pâine"?
4.Se spune ca va ploua saptamana viitoare.
5. Cine este tânarul acela de acolo? 6. John este medic. L-am cunoscut acum doi ani.
7. Copiii nostri au plecat intr-o excursie Ia munte. Ai lor au plecat in tabara Ia mare.
8. Vreau sa vizitez expozitia aceea. Dar tu?
9. Daca vor veni a tine încearca sa te porti cuviincios.
10. Ei se ajuta reciproc.
11. Nimeni nu a vrut sa-i spuna adevarul.
12. Te-ai simtit bine Ia petrecere? 13. Eu însami am încercat sa vorbesc cu ea.
14. S-au uitat unul Ia celalalt de parca nu s-ar Ii întâlnit niciodata. 15. Habar nu avea cine I-a invitat. 16. Învata singura engleza.
17. Hai sa cumparam niste mere! Ce zici de cele de acolo?
18. Ale cui sunt casele acestea?
19. Mary a fost cea care nu a aparut.
20. Nu se poate face nimic in astfel de cazuri.
21. Ninge de doua zile.
22. A fost idea ta sa venim aici.
23. Cui i-ai dat-o?
24. Niciunul nu a ajuns Ia timp.
25. Nimeni nu I-a vazut pe Tom ieri.

Răspuns :

1. He is having a cookie.
2. Where are the dancers? Jane and Tim went to the library, the other ones left home.
3.How do you translate in english the word "bread"?
4.They say it will rain next week.
5.Who is the young man over there?
6. John is a doctor. I met him two years ago.
7.Our kids went on a trip to the mountains. Theirs left to a sea camp.
8.I want to visit that exhibition. What about you?
9.If they will come to you try to behave politely.
10.They help each other.
11.Nobody wanted to tell her the truth.
12. Did you have a nice time to the party?
13.I tried myself to speak to her.
14. They looked at each other like they have never met before.
15. He had no idea who invited him.
16.She learns english by herself.
17. Let's buy some apples! What about those over there?
18.Whose are these houses?
19.Mary was the one who didn't show up.
20.There is nothing to be done in such cases.
21.It's been snowing for two days.
22.It was your idea to come here.
23.You gave it to whom?
24.Nobody reached on time.
25.Nobody saw Tom yesterday.