
Va rog din suflet din toata inima . Fac ce pot eu mai bun .orice . Numai ajutati-ma sa fac o copunere la engleza in care sa am un dialog cu o vanzatoare. Ma intreaba cum doresc , mare sau mic . Bogat sa fie. Va rog din suflet .am cateva idei doar ca sunt seci.din suflet va rog . Vaaa rooooog. Sunt terminata fara el . Va roooog. Fac ORICE.

Răspuns :

Me: Hello, dear Sally. I am looking like crazy all over the town for dog food, please tell me you still have some left!
Sally: hyyy, Mike, of course I have some left for you. What are you intresting in?
Me: Well, how about some Royal Canine?
Sally: I have some but I don't know what to say. A lot of people says it's not that good.
Me: How come?
Sally: Don't know, they say that their vetenarian said it's not healthy.
Me: Hmm.. which one do people buys the most?
Sally: Honestly they buy more Pet Nature and I have exactly the amount you need at the right price!
Me: That sounds awesome, I knew I could count on you! Thank you, Sally!
Sally: My pleasure!

Spor la studiu. :)