
traducere :Telefoanele mobile s-au transformat intr-o necesitate pentru aproape orice om de pe planeta. folosirea telefoanele au atit argumente pozitive cit si negative In mod evident, telefoanele, tabletele si orice alte gadgeturi, impreuna cu internetul, distrag atentie de la ore copiilor, de aceea, in multe scoli, profesorii la interzic copiilor accesul
In plus, acestea pot sa deranjeze cu adevarat activitatea didactica atunci cand cei mici uita sa le inchida si sunt sunati in ore Un alt motiv care ii alarmeaza pe profesori si care ii determina sa interzica telefoanele in scoli se refera la modalitatile prin care elevii de multe ori incearca sa triseze la lucrari, inspirandu-se de pe internet Accesul in scoala cu telefonul mobil are de asemenea si argumente pro,In plus, telefoanele sunt extrem de utile in situatii de urgenta, cand cei mici pot solicita ajutorul parintilor sau serviciilor de urgenta

Răspuns :

Mobile phones have turned into a necessity for almost any man on the planet. use phones have both positive and negative arguments Clearly, phones, tablets and any other gadgets, along with the Internet, distracting attention from hours of children, therefore, in many schools, teachers to prohibit children access In addition, they can disrupt truly educational activity when children forget to close them and are calling in hours Another reason who alarmed professors and that cause to ban phones in schools refers to the ways in which students more or trying to cheat at work, drawing inspiration from internet access at school with mobile phone also has pros, in addition, the phones are extremely useful in emergencies when children can seek help parents or emergency services