
Buna, imi puteti traduce va rog, in engleza urmatorul text:
" Weekendul trecut a fost unul de neuitat , fantastic. Sambata dimineata am plecat la munte impreuna cu familia unde am stat pana duminica. Acolo am invatat sa merg cu placa si sa skiez. Brazii verzi aveau acele acoperite cu zapada pufoasa. Am vizitat o superba biserica din gheata, foarte interesanta care iti fura ochii si am mancat la un fascinant restaurant cu meniu romanesc. La lasarea noptii totul parea rupt dintr-un basm.
A doua zi ne-am pregatit bagajele si am pornit spre casa. A fost cea mai frumoasa excursie de pana acum. "
Ofer multe puncte

Răspuns :

Last weekend was an unforgetable and fantastic one. On saturday morning, we went to the mountains with my family and sat there until sunday. There, i've learned hot to use a snowboard and ski. The green trees were covered in snow. I visited a beautiful church made of ice that took my breath away and ate at a restaurant with romanian dishes. At dawn, everything seemed taken from a fairytale. Next day, we made our luggages and went home. It was the best trip so far.