
Scrieți propozițiile în engleză .
1. stăteam de vorbă cu un vechi prieten .
2. ce făceau copii intre 2 şi 4 după-amiază ?
îşi făceau temele .
3. stăteam de vorbă când deodată am auzit un zgomot ciudat .
4. Tina ne mințea intotdeauna inventând povesti despre familia ei .
5. nu am putut merge la concert saptamana trecută pentru că aveam un examen a 2-a zi .
6. sora mea ar vrea sa stie daca i-ați putut verifica lucrarea
7. ascultam un concert la radio si incercam sa nu tin seama de agitatia strazii si de vecinii mei care strigau unul la celalalt pentru ca sunt complet surzi .

Răspuns :

1 I was tooking with a old friend
2 What have doing the childrens on afternoon from 2 till 4 clock?
3 I was took and just from noway I heared a strength noice
4 Tina was lieng us always with her stores about family
5 I didn't was last week on the concert because next day was my examen
6 My sister like to know if her letter was checkit
7 I was listen a concert on radio ad I try to not hear the noice from the street and from my naibers why scream each other because they dont hear
1. I was talking with an old friend.
2.What were the kids doing between two and four o'clock p.m.?
3.I was talking when suddenly I heard a weird sound.
4.Tina was always lying to us when she was telling stories about her family.
5.Last week I wasn't able to go to the concert because I had a exam the following day.
6.My sister wandered if you checked her test/papers.
7.I was listening to a radio concert while I tried to avoid hearing my deaf neighbors arguing. (Deaf inseamna sued dar are aceasi forma la plural :))