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Ioana D'Arc a fost una dintre cele mai captivante si mai misterioase personalitati din Evul Mediu . Ea a ramas un simbol peste secole fiind o fata de nici 19 ani care a schimbat istoria unei tari avand o misiune divina aceea fiind de a curata o tara de nedreptati . Figura sa eroică, este admirată nu doar in Franta ci si in intreaga lume pentru faptele sale vitejeşti extraordinare pe care le-a facut inca de la o varsta frageda . Un alt lucru impresionant a fost curajul pe care il avea la varsta de 17 ani dar si inteligenta de care dadea dovoda chiar daca nu a fost niciodata la scoala . A fost protagonista celor mai strălucite succese pe care poate să le obţină o femeie într-un mediu complet străin ei: câmpul de luptă. . La 17 ani, Ioana D'Arc a ajuns cu incredibilul ei mesaj la regele Frantei, iar doua luni mai tarziu a condus o armata catre victorie asupra englezilor la Orleans. La 18 ani a fost prinsa si vanduta inamicilor impotriva carora luptase cu indarjire La 19 ani acuzata de erezie si vrajitoarie pentru ca purta haine barbatesti si auzea voci si pentru acest fapt a fost arsa pe rug. Fara indoiala,Ioana D ARC a ramas un simbol plin de semnificatii, dar fara a-si dezvaluii niciodata intru totul misterul. Spiritul ei a ramas viu secole dupa ce trupul i-a fost ars pe rug.

Răspuns :

Ioana Darc was one of the most captivating and mysterious personalities from the Middle Ages.She remained a symbol over centuries being a barely nineteen year old girl that changed a countries history having a divine mission,that being clearing the country from injustices.Her heroic figure is admired not only in France,but in the entire world for her extraordinary  brave facts that she made from an early age.Another impressive thing was her courage she had at the age of seventeen and her intelligence that she gave evidence of even if she never went to school.She was a protagonist of the most shining successes that a woman could get in an completely strange surroundings:the battlefield. At seventeen,Ioana Darc reached the king of France with her incredible message,and two months later she leaded an
Army to victory over the english people in Orleans. At eighteen she was caught and sold to the enemies she fought against with rigor.At 19 she was accused of herezy and withcrafting because she wore manly clothes and heard voice and for this fact she was burned on the stake. With no doubt,Ioana Darc remained a symbol full of meanings,but never fully revealing her mystery.Her spirit remained alive for centuries after her body was burned on the stake.
