
Am nevoie de o scrisoare în limba engleza adresata unui prieten. AceastA scrisoare trebuie sa aibă ca subiect " Collections and collectors ". În aceasta scrisoare trebuie sa povestesc despre o expoziții la care am fost și sa fie legata de subiectul de mai sus . Scrisoare trebuie sa conțină 150-200 cuite. Va roggg ajutati-mă . Urgent

Răspuns :

Dear friend,

Hello John, it's your friend from Romania, Ionuț. I wanted to speak with you about a subject I know you would like, collections. Since you are my only friend with who I share this "passion" I tought you would like to hear about my experiences.

About 2 weeks ago I was invited by a family member to go to Cluj Napoca's Firearms Collection held by an ex-military american. There were a lot of collectors with who I stayed to chat and learned a lot of new things about firearms. I really enjoyed the eveniment because I've seen a lot of firearms, wich I'm a big fan as you know, and also I had the ocassion to see some real old classical firearms used in WW1 and 2. I was surprised by the aspect and characteristics of russian weapons, most of them being used in movies and games. The event has finished with some free photos of firearms given by the host.

So this was the event. It was amazing and I hope to find another oportunity like this soon. I also sentbsome photos I made during the eveniment with this letter, I hope you will like them and I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely your friend,

Nu uita să pui adresa ta și adresa lui respectând modelul unei scrisori !