
traduceti apoi puneti la diateza pasiva.
1.ei dau premi celor mai buni elevi in fiecare an
2.eu iti voi spune secretul cand vei veni la mine
3.politi a prins hotul ieri dimneata
4.john spala masina in fiecare saptaman
5.copii au mancat pizza ieri
6.stefan nu aa invatal lectia
7.alexandra a invatat un catec nou ieri

Răspuns :

1. They give awards to the best students every year.------The awards are given to the best students every year by them.
2.I will tell you my secret when you will come to me.----My secret will be told you when you will come to me.
3.The police caught the thief yesterday morning.----------The thief was caught by police yesterday morning.
4.John washes the car every week.---The car is washed by John every week.
5.The kids ate pizza yesterday.-----Pizza was eaten by kids yeserday.
6.Stefan hasn't learnt the lesson.----The lesson hasn't been learnt by Ștefan.
7.Alexandra learnt a new song yesterday.-----A new song was learnt by Alexandra.