
TRADUCETI ASTA VA ROG IN ENGLEZA DAU 15 PUNCTE SI COROANA (FARA TRANSLATE >:( )Regele Solomon a avut 700 de neveste si 300 de concubine,asta doar ca sa faca pace intre popoare,deoarece,pe acea vreme daca te casatoreai cu o femeie din alt regat,cele doua regate se inrudeau si,astfel,faceau pace creand un mare imperiu.Pe vremea lui Hitler,Ucraina era intr-o stare materiala extrem de buna asa ca s-au gandit sa iasa de sub dominatia rusa.Astfel,Hitler a dat ordine ca in fiecare an la strangerea recoltei sa li se ia toate proviziile ucrainienilor.Din lipsa de hrana oamenii au inceput sa manance cele mai bizare lucruri si anume iarba,frunze,si chiar proprii copii.

Răspuns :

Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines, that just to make peace between peoples, because in those days if you married a woman from another kingdom, the two kingdoms related and thus make peace creating a great empire .On Hitler's time, Ukraine was in a state extremely good material so were thought to emerge rusa.Astfel domination, Hitler gave orders that every year at harvest crops to take all supplies are Ukrainians. lack of food, people began to eat the most bizarre things, namely grass, leaves, and even their own children.