
Scrieti propozitiile in engleza va rog imi trebuie urgent(fara google translate ca sunt gresite acolo):
1.N-as fii auzit daca as fi dormit.
2.Ce ai face daca ai castiga la loterie?
3.Daca se va antrena va castiga.
4.Ar fi stiut subiectul daca ar fi fost la examen.
5.Daca va conduce prea repede va fi amendat.
6.Nu s-ar fi uitat la film daca ar fi avut altceva de facut.
7.Daca as fi in locul tau l-as lasa in pace.
8.Ar lua un taxi daca ar avea bani.

Răspuns :

i couldnt hear if i was sleeping
what you will do if you will win at a lotery?
if he will train he will win
he would know the subject if he would came at the exam
if he will drive so fast he will get a fine
if i would be you i will let him away
he would take a taxi if he would have some money