
choosing the best answer that is closer in meaning to the underling words.
1.ONCE UPON A TIME there lived a king
a)a lot time ago b)not long ago
2.midas loved his daughter BETTER than gold
a)best b)more
3.his coffee became HARD
a)heavy b)solid
4.midas had EVERYTHING he wanted
a)all the things b)a lot of things
5.his daughter ALSO turned into gold
a)too b)again
6.midas WANTED his daughter back
a)loved b)wished
7.midas TOUCHED hia clothes and they turned into gold
a)put his hands on b)looked at

In caz de ceva textul este in manualul de clasa 6 pag.74
vaaa rooogggg muuulllltttttt!!!!!!DAU COROANA!!!!!