
Faceti propoziti cu:
Apple core, spoon, toothbrush, teancul,artist's brush, pencil, heart, open book, baseball glove, alice of pizza, gingerbread man, sock, banana, fish.
In engleza si romana.
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Răspuns :

I trowed(așa se scrie cred) the apple core in the trash. (Am aruncat cotorul de mar la gunoi.)
You didn't find a spoon. (Tu nu ai gasit o lingura)
My toothbrush is green. ( Periuța mea de dinti e verde)
Artist's brush is covered in paint. (Pensula artistului e acoperită de vopsea)
The pencil was on the desk. (Creionul era pe bancă)
He's drawing a heart on a red piece of paper. (El desenează o inima pe o foaie roșie)
An open book is on the floor. (O carte deschisă este pe jos)
The baseball glove is old. (Mănușa de baseball este veche)
She ate a slice of pizza. (Ea a mancat o felie de pizza)
I ate a gingerbread man. (Am mancat un om de turta dulce)
The sock is dirty. (Șoseta e murdara)
The banana is yellow. (Banana e Galbena)
I have a fish. (Am un peste)
The apple is rotten to the core.
Can I have my spoon?
I don't have a toothbrush.
An artist's brush can create miracles.
I have a pencil.
Love is coming from inside my heart.
My soul is an open book for the ones who wish to read it.
Can I have a baseball glove?
There is only one slice of pizza left.
Go to the Gingerbread man.
Can I borrow your sock?
I am eating a banana.
I love eating fish.