
Traduce acest fragment:

"Swallow,swallow,little swallow,"says the Prince ,"will you not stay with me one night longer?"
"It is winter ,"answers the Swallow,"and the chill snow will soon be here.In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm trees,and the crocodiles lie in the mud.My companions are building a nest in the Temple of Baalbec,and the pink and white doves are watching them.Dear Prince ,I must leave you, but I will never forget you,and the next spring I will be back."

Cat de repede se poate daca se poate.

Răspuns :

Randunica, randunica, mica randunica, zise printul, nu mai stai cu mine inca o noapte?
Este iarna, raspunde randunica, si zapada rece va veni in curand. In Egipt, soarele este cald pestr palmierii verzi, si crocodilii stau in mlastina. Amicii mei construiesc un cuib in Templul Baalbec, iar porumberii roz cu alb ii urmaresc. Draga Printule, trebuie sa plec acum, dar nu te voi uita niciodata, si primavara viitoare ma voi intoarce.