
Cine imi poate traduce în engleza
Napoleon Bonaparte a fost un lider politic si militar al Frantei, care a intreprins actiuni ce au influentat sistemul politic european din secolul al XIX-lea.In 1799 a organizat o lovitura de stat, in urma careia s-a numit Prim consul, apoi cinci ani mai tarziu s-a numit imparat al francezilor.Prin numirea prietenilor si membrilor familiei, conducatori ai altor state europene, a marit sfera de influenta a Frantei.Femeia pe care Napoleon a iubit-o cel mai mult, a fost Josefina, cu care s-a casatorit, dar din cauza ca era sterila, acesta a divortat de ea la putin timp.Urmatoarele sotii au fost, Maria Walewska si Maria-Luiza, cu fiecare din cele doua avand un fiu.Napoleon a fost un dictator, un adevarat geniu militar, unul din mai marii generali ai lumii.

Răspuns :

Napoleon Bonaparte was a political and military leader of France whose actions influenced the political European system of the XIX century. În 1799 he made a coup after which he declared himself The first Consule and five years later he called himself emperor of France. By making his friends and members of his family leader of other European countries, he enlarged the Influency sphere of France. The woman that Napoleon loved most was Josephine, with whom he got married, but because she was unable to conceive he divorced her shortly after. His next wives were Maria Walewska and Maria Luiza ,having a son with each of them . Napoleon was a dictator, a military genius and one of the world's greatest commander.