
traduceti in engleza urmatorul text :eu , wikeend-ul trecut am fost impreuna cu parintii si verisorul meu la film si la piscina.Sambata am fost la mall si dupa ce ne-am plimbat toata ziua am fost la cinema pentru a vedea filmul ,,Frumoasa si Bestia".Dupa ce s-a terminat filmul am fost si la gradina zoologica.Dupa ce am terminat de vazut animalutele am plecat acasa.Duminica am fost la Therme . Therme este un acuaparc unde are topogane , piscina cu valuri si restaurante.DE asemenea are o zona de distractie si una de relaxare.Dupa o zi minunata acolo am plecat acasa obosita.

Răspuns :

Last weekend  I was with my parents and my cousin at a movie and a pool (party) . In Saturday we went to the mall and then we walked all day. We went at the cinema to see the film "Beauty and the Beast". After the movie ended we went to the zoo. After we saw the animals we went home. In the Sunday we went in a Therme. A Therme is an aqua park that has slides, a pool with restaurante waves . It also has a fun zone and one for relaxing . After a beautiful day there I went home exhausted.