
Read these sentences . What do they meat ?(Explica propozitiile) • Man cannot live by bread alone. • Eat to live , not live to eat. • You can't make an omellete without brraking eggs .

Răspuns :

Man cannot live by bread alone. - Omul nu poate trai doar prin nevoile fizice, acesta are si nevoi spirituale.
Eat to live, not live to eat. - Nu fii hapsan. Mananca cumpatat.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. - Pentru a realiza ceva este inevitabil si necesar sa distrugi altceva.

1. Man cannot live only on physical nourishment. He also has spiritual needs.
2. Eat to maintain your health. Don't be gluttonous.
3. To achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary to destroy something else.