
Traduceti din lb .romana in lb .engleza:
Conditionalul 1:
1.Daca citesc multe carti,voi fi ddestept.
2.Noi vom ajunge la Paris.sambata daca luam avionul.
3.Parintii mei vor cumpara o casa daca au bani.
4.Daca tu mananci multa pizza,te vei ingrasa.
Conditionalul 2:
1.Daca eu spalam masina,eram obosita.
2.Daca voi munceati in gradina ,eu va dadeam bani.
3.Noi serveam pranzul la restaurant daca aveam timp.
4.Daca nu vedeati acest sarpe ,erati mai calmi.
Va roggg urgent...multumesc❤

Răspuns :

1)If you read many books, I'll be smart.
2)We will arrive in Paris on Saturday if we plane.3)My parents will buy a house if you have money.4)If you eat more pizza, you'll gain..5)If I wash the car, I was tired..6)If you hillocks in the garden, I was giving you money.7).We had lunch at the restaurant if you have time.8)If you do not see the snake, you were calmer.