
Tradu-mi te rog urm. povestire:

Parintii mei m-au obligat in final sa merg la un program de reabilitare,in regim ambulatoriu,timp de o luna,dar nu a avut nici un efect. Nu vroiam sa merg acolo deoarece credeam ca nu am nici o problema. Parintii mei erau furiosi pe mine deoarece nu luam in serios acel tratament si m-au pedepsit sa nu mai ies in oras pentru tot restul anului scolar.
La doua saptamani dupa sfaritul anului scolar am reusit in sfarsit sa ies afara. Am mers la o prietena acasa in acea dupa-amiaza. Nu aveam nimic de facut,asa ca am inceput sa bem. Imi amintesc ca am baut foarte mult lichior tare si ca apoi m-am intins,iar cand m-am trezit eram la spital. Ma intoxicasem cu alcool. Nu imi amintesc prea mult despre ce s-a intamplat la prietena mea acasa. Se pare ca bausem toti prea mult si unii din prietenii mei isi pierdusera constiinta sau vomitau sange. Unul din prietenii care venise la ea a incercat sa ma trezeasca. Nimic nu a fictionat,asa ca a sunat la salvare.

Răspuns :

My parents finally forced to go to a rehabilitation program, outpatient for a month, but it didn't work. I did not want to go there because I don't have problems. My parents were mad at me because I wasn't taking this seriously  this treatment and they punished by not to go out for the rest of the school year.
Two weeks after the school year ended I finally managed to get out. I went to a friend's house in the afternoon. We had nothing to do, so we started to drink. I remember drinking a lot of hard liquor and then I laid down, and when I woke up I was in the hospital. I was intoxicated with alcohol. I do not remember much about what happened to my friend house. It seems that everyone drank too much and some of my friends had lost consciousness and vomited blood. A friend who came to to her tried to wake me up.It didn't work, so he called an ambulance.
Sper ca te-am ajutat! ^-^