
Traduceti in limba engleza:
1)Ploaia a inceput acum o jumatate de ora.
2)Este trist pentru ca a primit o veste proasta.
3)De curand am inceput un curs de limba chineza.
4)Nu l-am mai vazut in ultima vreme.
5)Bolnavul se simte mai bine decand ia aceste medicamente.
6)Cand l-ai vazut ultima data?
7)Ce mi-ai adus?
8)Ai spart geamul si o sa fii pedepsit.
9)El inca nu a plecat la scoala.
10)Ei nu m-au mintit niciodata.
Va rog,fara traducere automata.

Răspuns :

1. The rain have been starting  a half hour ago.
2. He is  sad because he recieved a bad news
3.  Recently I have been starting a course  of chinese language
4. I didn't see him in the last time.
5. The sick feels much better since he had been taking these  medicine. 
6. When did you saw him last time?
7.  What do you bring me?
8. You broke the window and you would be punished.
9. He didn't leave to school yet.
10. They never lay to me.