
John travolta's character in saturday Night Fever in nineteen-year-old Tony Manero.Tony lives with his family in new York.He has a boring job in a paint shop during the week but every Saturday night he puts on a white suit and goes to disco 2001 in brooklyn to dance.On the dance floor he is a diferent person-he comes alive.He wins the competition for the best disco dancer in brooklyn.The songs and music for the film were all by a top australian group called the bee gess.The songs, like night fever and stayn 'alive,were instant hits in discos all over the world .For fifteen years after Saturday night fever john travolta's films were not very popular until his Oscar wining performance in pulp fiction in the early nineties.After pulp fiction, john travolta was an international star again.Traducețimi vă rog dau coroana

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Personajul lui John Travolta in filmul Saturday Night Ffever are este Tony Manero si are 19 ani. Tony sta cu familia sa in New York. El are o slujba plictisitoare intr-un magazin de vopsea in timpul saptamanii dar in fiecare seara de sambata isi pune un costum alb si merge la Disco 2001 in Brooklyn sa danseze. Pe ringul de dans este o alta persoana - se trezeste la viata. El castiga competitia pentru cel mai bun dansator de disco dn Brooklyn. Cantecele si muzica ( sau coloana sonora) pentru film ii apartin unui grup australian numit The Bee Gess. Cantece ca Night Fever si Stayin Alive au fost hituri instante in discotecile din jurul lumii. Timp de 15 ani dupa filmul Saturday Night Fever filmele lui John Travolta nu au fost foarte populare pana la castigarea oscarului pentru performanta sa in filmul Pulp Fiction din anii 90. Dupa Pulp Fiction, John Travolta a fost un star international din nou.