
Ar trebui mamele sa lucreze ?
Imi puteti faceti un eseu in care la inceput va spuneți opinia după un avantaj si argumentezi. Si finalul sa aibe legătură cu opinia . va rog dau coroana !!! în engleza !!

Răspuns :

In my opinion ,the mothers work in every day.I want to mention that she takes care of her children.She wakes up to make food,clean whased clothes ,trample them.I don not think that the mother should have a job.It would be very tiring for them.They are working forearmed.After they finish their job around the house,they are helping their men the outside.When they finish there,they returnig home to make the lunch,for children who need to come to school.Another think after lunch are homework of her children.They help,explain and listen to poems recited  by them.After all these they make the dinner,when all are happy,but also they are tired.After dinnerthe children go to sleep but she prays for her family`s health.The mother are some heroines,who deserve all the best and be happy.And so I did above,they don`t have a other job,because their job is home,but when their children will grow ,they be relaxed and avaible to do what they want.