
Buna ma poate ajuta si pe mine cineva cu un eseu despre Adele si gen ( My trip to London ) ? am luni examen si ar trebui sa vorbesc oral 5 minute, din care eu trebu sa le invat pe ambele si profesoara alege ce ii place ei sa asculte .


Răspuns :

My trip to London
Seek... Seek of green, seek of my big farmers family; seek of the blue sky; seek of every monoton day in my birth cottage. I was bored of everything, so I decided to go to London. As a young british girl, is hard to travel alone, so I took my older brother and I phoned (it was really tough ) my aunt, Carmen, to send me a carriage. We went in, and in 2 days we were there... We were for real in LONDON! Ladies in beautiful dresses, gentlemen waiting for them, comercians selling different kinds of silk and pearls... Everything was wonderful! And magic! I easily got to my aunt's house. After I arrived there I started waking through the garden. Every single flower was a piece of art, every single bush was shaped in different ways and I loved everything! The next day, I wanted to buy something, so I started looking , with my brother, at the windows of the small shops from the central London. I remarked a beautiful dress, but I couldn't afford it... Captivating smells were everywhere, but I couldn't afford anything... Now... I'm on my way to home... I loved everything in London, but I realized that now I can't live in London ... Maby in the future!