
answer the guestions about the country you live in a) is moldova geographical position beneficial?why.b) what is moldova rich in?.c) what cultural and historical monuments and places of your native place would you like to show to your foreign friends. d)what monastaries do you know in Moldova? e) if you were going to gtravel,what part of Moldova would you like to go to?why? f)the noblest in the world is "what good may i do for the country i live in?how do you understand it?

Răspuns :

a) yes and not.
yes because she have forests,hills and pastures for growing animals and for vineyards.
not,because moldova don't have direct acces to the sea.
b)moldova is rich in vineyards
d)in moldova i know monastiries like: Saharana,Capriana,Tipova,Hancu,Ciuflea,Harbovat,Nicoreni,Curchi{eu personal am fost la toate manastirile date,de aceea leam enumerat}
c)for foreign friends i would like to show the : Monument of Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfant,Aleea Clasicilor(The Classics Alley),Cetatea Sorocii(Soroca Fortress)...
e)i would like to visit The Codrii,The Old Orhei and Soroca Fortress.
f)the noblest what i can do for my country is to leave here,and if i go in another country to leave,is don't forget about Moldova{eu cred}