
Fill in the gaps with the prepositions below.Exercitiul e in poza.Va rog ajutați-mă ,va rog repede,caci dau coroana!

Fill In The Gaps With The Prepositions BelowExercitiul E In PozaVa Rog Ajutațimă Va Rog Repedecaci Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

on in  at in on in in from until

1) was born IN
2) and IN 1960
3) AT the age
4) IN 1975
5) ON 21st
6) IN 1978
8) FROM 1982
9) TO 1987

Nota: -cand se face referire la un an se foloseste prepozitia IN (in 2010, in 1914..)
-cand se face referire la varsta se foloseste prepozitia AT( at the age of 17, at the age of 90,..)
-cand se face referire la un interval de timp se folosesc prepozitiile FROM... TO...( from 1980 to 1990)
-cand se face referire la sfarsitul unei actiuni se foloseste prepozitia UNTIL ( ex: she didn't speak until she was 5. traducere: nu a vorbit pana ce a implinit 5 ani)