
Cine poata sa imi traduca in engleza urmatorul paragraf?
"Nuntile sunt un mare prilej de bucurie pentru toate familiile din lume . Si eu am avut parte de un astfel de eveniment acum doi ani in luna iunie fiind nunta matusii mele. Nunta s-a desfasurat in Italia , Torino intr-un mic satuc inconjurat de diverse castele si vile inalte cu gardurile din piatra neschimbate de peste 100 de ani.
Au fost prezente rudele din toate tarile iar fericirea ne iconjura in cel mai frumos moment si loc posibil mai exact intr un mic parc al unui conac. Parcul avea copaci de peste 300 de ani , inalti de zeci de metri cu diverse forme stranii.
Conacul era transformat intr un mare hotel cu restaurant . Stilul ramase unul rustic dand o frumusete aparte hotelului. Restul petrecerii a continuat afara pe o terasa inconjurata de diverse flori. Aceasta a fost prima si cea mai incantatoare nunta la care am asistat."

Răspuns :

"Weddings are a great occasion for joy for all the families in the world, and I had such an event two years ago in June, being the wedding of my aunt." The wedding took place in Italy, Turin, in a small village surrounded by various Castles and tall villas with stone fences unchanged for over 100 years.
The relatives of all countries were present and the happiness is iconic in the most beautiful moment and possible place in a small park of a mansion. The park had over 300-year-old trees, tens of meters tall with strange shapes.
The mansion was turned into a large hotel with restaurant. The style remained rustic giving a special beauty to the hotel. The rest of the party went on a terrace surrounded by various flowers. This was the first and most delightful wedding we've witnessed. "