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Din cauza deosebirilor de vederi, unii dintre separatisti s-au despartit de ceilalti protestanti englezi, au adoptat o marturisire de credinta foarte asemanatoare cu acele ale anabaptistilor si menonitilor din Europa continentala si au primit in batjocora numele de baptisti. Persecutati si in tarile reformate, acesti oameni s-au imbarcat pe corabii si au plecat spre lumea noua (1620), exoticul continent nu de mult descoperit al Americii. Mii de puritani au traversat Atlanticul in perioada marii migratii (1630-1640). Intentia regilor Angliei de a-i alunga din Anglia pe toti puritanii n-a reusit. Sustinuti de personalitati marcante ale vietii academice si politice ale vremii, ei au format adunari separate de bisericile oficiale si au impinzit insulele britanice. In urma Razboiului civil din Anglia (1640), puritanii au dobindit chiar pentru o vreme controlul asupra guvernului. In aceste conditii, miscarea de emigrare s-a oprit. Prin restauratia din 1660, puritanii au pierdut controlul politic asupra Angliei, dar samânta libertatii religioase si a valorilor morale crestine a incoltit peste alti citiva ani. Guvernul Angliei a fost convins sa accepte existenta bisericilor separatistilor (puritanilor) si a aparut astfel pe scena societatii conceptul de toleranta religioasa. Libertatea religiei si libertatea constiintei au fost cele doua diamante sociale de mare pret pe care le-au daruit Americii cei ce au emigrat din Anglia.

Răspuns :

Because of the differences of opinion, some of the separatists split from the other English Protestants, adopted a confession of faith very similar to those of the Anabaptists and Menonites in mainland Europe, and mocked the name of the Baptists. Persecuted and in the reformed countries, these people boarded the ships and went to the new world (1620), America's exotic continent not long discovered. Thousands of Puritans crossed the Atlantic during the Great Migration (1630-1640). The intent of the kings of England to drive them out of England all the Puritans did not succeed. Supported by outstanding personalities of the academic and political life of the time, they have formed separate assemblies of official churches and impregnated British islands. Following the Civil War in England (1640), the Puritans even for a time gained control over the government. Under these conditions, the emigration movement stopped. With the 1660's restoration, the Puritans lost political control over England, but the semblance of religious freedom and moral Christian morale was over in a few more years. The Government of England was convinced to accept the existence of the separatist churches (puritans) and thus appeared on the stage of society the concept of religious tolerance. Freedom of religion and freedom of conscience were the two great social diamonds that America gave to those emigrated from England.
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