Emotional- emotionant
This moment was so emotional
Bossy- autoritar
My dad is so bossy
This is so serious.
Light hearted-cu usurinta
She smile light hearted
Don't speak so loud!
Outgoing-cheltuiala sau cale de iesire
This is a small outgoing
Romantic -romantic
The Notebook is a romanromantic movie
Shy- timid
Don't be so shy!
Sensitive- sensibil
The girls are very sensitive
My friend is very sociable
Aggressive -agresiv
Don't be aggressive with animals!
Reliable- de incredere
A friend is a reliable person
Quick tempered- temperat repede
The child was quick tempered by his dad
Practical- practic
This is so practical
Quied- mort, a muri
The dog was quied