
URGENT!!! De facut cate 2 propozitii pentru fiecare exemplu si traduse pentru :put on,tell off,turn down, turn off,turn on.

Răspuns :

1. I put on my new jacket.=Eu imi pun noua jacheta.
    You put on your scarf.=Tu iti pui esarfa.
2. He never listen to us when we tell him off.=El nu ne asculta niciodata cand il certam/ ii atragem atentia.
    I told you off.= Te-am avertizat/ti-am atras atentia.
3. He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down.= El a intrebat-o daca vrea sa se marite cu el , dar ea l-a refuzat.
    He turned down his chance to have his own exhibition.=el a refuzat sana de a avea proprie expozitie.
4.I turned off the light.= Eu am stins lumina.
   I turned off my phone.= Mi-am inchis telefonul.
5.you turned on the lamp.=Tu ai aprins lampa.
   she tuns the light on.= Ea a aprins lumina.