
Traduceti textul (fara google translate): De mic copil am visat sa devin inginer si imi voi sustine aceasta dorinta pana la capat. Poate ca persoanele din societate considera ca meseria de "inginer" este una prost platita sau urata. Insa, eu vreau sa fac ceea ce imi place si asta ma atrage. In plus in aceasta tara este nevoie si de ingineri, nu numai doctorii, avocatii sau actori sunt de folos in societate.
Daca nu voi duce o viata buna in Romania poate ca voi pleca in alta tara unde oamenii sunt platiti mai bine, dar un lucru il stiu sigur. Ca fac ceea ce imi place.
Cariera este un lucru foarte important si de asta depinzi toata viata de aceea vreau sa fac un lucru care imi place, acela de a fi inginer.

Răspuns :

the little kid i wanted to become a shopsticated enginner sustains the desire to the end. Maybe some people in the company think the enginner job is a badly is a badly paid  one they hatet but they wanted to do what i like and the attracts  me in addition to this country is nedded and enginners not only doctors  lawyers they have actors in society if i do not liiive a good life in romania i can go to another country whwre it pays better but one thing i know better I do whAT I LIKE the carrer is a very important thing and thant's what i whay i depend all my life that's what i want to become an enginner
When I was a child I wanted to be an engineer and I will follow my dream until the end. Maybe people in our society consider being an engineer as badly paid or a bad job. But I want to do what I like and this job is atractive for me. Moreover, in this country we also need engineers, not only doctors, lawyers or actors are useful in our society. If I don't have a good life in Romania maybe I will move to another country where people are better payed. But of one thing I am sure, I wil do what I like. Carrier is a very important thing, you depend on it your whole life. That's why I want to do something that I like, that is being an engineer.
