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Soon after her marrriage,the princess realized how demanding her new role was.But she found this challenging.However,as time went by,the media were everywere.Princess Diana was on the front page of every newspaper.As a princess she found herself becoming more and more involved with people in need.the very strict and those rejected by society.And then,Wiliiam,her first son,was born.soon followed by Harry.She was very happy to be a mother but,under pressure from the media and with little support from a busy husband,the princess became depressed.Her depression led to bulimia,an eating disorder.
In 1985 the national press reported difficulties in the royal couple's marriage.Price Charles's supporters suggested that the princess and her husband had very different outlooks and intersets.From the princess's point of view,princess Charles semmed to have renewed an old relationship with another woman.This had a devasting effect o Diana.The royal couple continued their duties but they led separate lives.

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Răspuns :

Imediat dupa casatorie,printesa realizase cat necesita noua ei functie. Dar ea a luat-o ca pe o provocare.Insa,cum trecea timpul,mass-media era peste tot.Printesa Diana era pe prima pagina a fiecarui ziar. Ca printesa ea a inceput sa fie din ce in ce mai interesata de oamenii aflati in nevoie.Apoi,William,primul ei fiu,a fost nascut,dupa care a urmat Harry. Ea era foarte fericita ca era o mama,dar,sub presiunea mass-mediei si cu putin suport din partea sotului sau,printesa devenise depresivă. Depresia ei s-a transformat in bulimie,o tulburare in alimentație.
In 1985,presa nationala a raportat ceva discutii in casatoria cuplului regal. Suporterii printului Charles au sugerat ca printesa si sotul ei aveau interese si puncte de vedere diferite.Prințul Charles a reinnoit o relatie veche cu o alta femeie. Acest lucru a devastat-o pe Diana.Cuplul regal si-au continuat îndatoririle dar traiau vieti separate