
imi puteti traduce aceste propozitii in engleza ..va rog ...e pentru astăzi !!

1.Imi dati o inghetata de vanilie va rog ?
Da desigur
Normala sau mare
Una mare va rog
Cat costa o inghetata mare ?
O liră si 20 de cenți
2.Ce doriti sa mancati ?Avem friptura de vițel ,salata de rosii ,plăcintă cu mere si briose cu ciocolată.
As vrea o friptura de vițel si salata de rosii .
Bine domnule ,ma întorc in câteva momente .

Răspuns :

Can you give me a vanilla ice cream please?
Yes of course.
Normal or large?
One large please
How much is the large ice cream?
One pound and 20 cents 
Here you are 

2.What do you want to eat?
We have veal stake,tomato salad, apple pie and chocolate cupcakes 
I would like a veal stake and a tomato salad
Ok sir ,i will  be  back in a few moments 
Can I have a vanilla ice cream please?
Yes, of course!
Normal or big?
A big one please!
How much is a big ice cream?
One pound and 20 pence.
Here you go!
2. What do you want to eat? We have steak, tomato salad, apple pie end chocolate cupcakes.
I would like some steak and a tomato salad.
Okay, sir. I will be back in a moment.
Coroana, te rog! :D Am dat FCE-ul si sunt in clasa a 5-a si am luat 190. Sigur e corect!