
Cine ma ajuta sa traduc ceva din romana in engleza?

Draga Flory,
Buna! Cum merge treaba? Lucrez destul de greu in acest moment pentru testele de saptamana viitoare,dar astept cu nerabdare vacanta de vara.
De fapt,m-am intors de la scoala ieri,cand s-a intamplat ceva ciudat. Mergeam cu cu capul in telefon si nu eram atenta la drum. Deodata am vazut un tanar care se indrepta spre mine. La inceput m-am gandit ca imi va lua telefonul sau ceva,dar el m-a tras de pe trecere.
In acel moment, o masina a trecut cu mare viteza. Inima aproape s a oprit! Inca nu stiu ce s-a intamplat cu soferul,dar sunt sigura ca tanarul mi-a salvat viata!

Nu luati de pe google translate!

Răspuns :

Dear Flory,
Hi! How's it going?
I'm working hard in this moment for the tests next week, but I can't wait for the summer vacantion!
Actually, I returned back home yesterday, when something weird happened. I was walking with my head in the phone and I wasn't looking where I was going. Suddenly, I saw a young man, heading for me. First, I thought he's gonna steal my phone or something, but he pulled me off the pedestrian crossing. In that moment, a car has passed at high speed. My heart almost stopped! I still don't know what happened with the driver, but I'm sure that the young man saved my life!

Sper ca te-am ajutat! :)