
Completați propozițiile cu tipul corect de condițională.Câte 3 variante la fiecare
Unless my brother calls......
If she didn't go to school....
If they learn the lesson....

Răspuns :

Unless my brother calls, I will not try to get in touch with him,
Unless my brother calls, we will stick to the plan of going to the cinema.
Unless my brother calls, she will remain upset for the rest of the night.

If she didn't go to school,I will be very mad at her.
If she didn't go to school, I would not help with her homework.
If she didn't go to school, she is not likely to pass the exam.

If they learn the lesson, the problem will not arise again.
If they learn the lesson, they are going to get a good grade.
If they learn the lesson, the teacher will be pleased.