
Am de tradus in engleza
1.Eu si Andreea nu vom citi această carte.
2.Acei nori sunt foarte negri.Cred ca va ploua
3.Am hotarat sa redecorez aceasta camera.Cu ce culoarea o vei vopsi?
4.Nu stiu sa folosesc acest aparat foto.Nu îţi face griji te ajut eu.
5.Ce ati dori sa beţi ceai sau cafea.O sa iau ceai.
6.Peste două saptamani o sa incep un curs de bucatar

Răspuns :

And Andreea we will not read this book.
2. So clouds are very black. I think it will rain
3. I decided to redecorate this camera. What color will you paint?
4. I do not know how to use this camera. Do not worry, I'll help you.
5.What would you like to drink tea or coffee. I'll get tea.
6. A cook course will start in two weeks
1.Andreea and me will not read this book.
2.Those clouds are very black, I think it will rain.
3.I decided to redecorate this camera. What color will you paint?
4.I do not know how to use this camera. Do not worry, I'll help you.
5.What would you like to drink tea or coffee. I'll take tea.
6.More than two weeks I will start a cook course.