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Educatia scolara

In opinia mea educatia scolara este extrem de importanta in formarea unui tanar deoarece numai asa poate avea un viitor stralucit.
In primul rand,inca de mici copii trebuie sa mearga la scoala si sa prinda drag pentru acest lucru,nu sa fie obligati ci sa fie facuti sa inteleaga ca numai prin educatia primita la scoala pot ajunge cineva in viata.Profesorii pot fi foarte intelegatori cu ei si oferindule foarte multe opurtinitati de a face ce le place lor.
In al doilea rand este important ca toti copii indiferent de ce nationalitate sunt si din ce familii fac parte sa urmeze o scoala,deaorece acestia trebuie priviti in mod egal si trebuie sa se afirme doar prin intermediul fortelor proprii.
De asemenea este foarte bine sa iti urmezi studiile si mai departe urmand sa faci un liceu si o facultate deoarece astfel vei avea mai multe sanse sa ai un loc de munca mai convenabil.Din punctul meu de vedere,daca mergi la scoala si iti place o anumita materie pe care o intelegi poti ajunge unde iti propui. Cu ajutorul scoli putem ajunge ceva dar nu avem nevoie doar de scoala ci si de vointa.
In concluzie,educatia scolara este foarta importanta in formarea unor oameni mai buni si toti ar trebui sa aiba dreptul la educatie.

Răspuns :

School education In my opinion, school education is extremely important in the formation of a young person because only so can a brilliant future. First of all, still young children have to go to school and get dear for this, not to be compelled, but to be made to understand that only through the education received at school can anyone come to life. The professors can be very understanding with They offer lots of oprins to do what they like. Secondly, it is important that all children, regardless of their nationality and families, should attend a school, because they must be looked upon equally and have to affirm themselves only through their own forces. It is also very good to follow your studies and then to go to high school and college because you will be more likely to have a more convenient job. From my point of view, if you go to school and you like it Certain matter you understand can be where you propose. With the help of schools, we can get something but we need not only school but also the will. In conclusion, school education is very important in the formation of better people and everyone should have the right to education.