
Scrieti in engleza o compunere despre un personaj preferat din desenele animate/film .. Sunt fata .. nu scrieti spider man sau ceva asemanator minim 30 de randuri ... ofer 35 de PUNCTE

Răspuns :

My favourite cartoon character is Kim Possible, from the cartoon with the same name. 
Her hair is orange red and she always wears lively clothes. Except when she goes on a mission, when she sports gray gear pants and a black blouse, which she totally rocks. And, in my opinion, she is amazing. She is always saving the day and then goes back to her normal life like it's supposed to be easy. And i love that about her. I also like that she is able to keep an usual and kind of successful social life, as she also manages to be a cheerleader, have friends and also date sometimes - on top of always saving the world. I mean, can you believe it?
Her best friend is Ron Stoppable, which is kind of a funny thing to think of. Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable...kind of comic, isn't it?
What I appreciate the most about her is how she is always so selfless and helps everybody in need, even if it may land her in more trouble than she was in to begin with. She never ceases to amaze, even when she thinks she doesn't know what she is doing. She always comes up with a plan and ends up victorious in the end.
I also love the theme song at the beginning of the episodes, that is all about her and how she will leave anything she is doing, no matter how important it may be, to go and help those in danger.
And who am I to lie to you, i also love a good fight scene, especially when a girl manages to beat up all the bad guys, despite the fact that they all think she can't. Because we all need good strong female characters, and she is one of them. And a much needed role models for little girls everywhere who are being told they can't be their own heroes.