
de tradus un text la engleza. pe romana.Throughout the day,the fish always had to clean their homes,keep the plants healthy ,and make sure the sand was soft.The fish felt like this was just too much work.They wanted to have more playtime! So they asked Edward to do some of their chores because he was a seahorse. He didn't even look like a fish.They asked him to clean their homes.Edward agreed, but wasn't very happy about it.

Răspuns :

Pe parcursul zilei, pestii trebuiau sa-si curete locuintele, sa ingrijeasca plantele si sa se asigure ca nisipul era fin. Pestilor li s-a parut ca aceasta insemna sa munceasca prea mult. Ei doreau sa aiba mai mult timp de joaca! Asa ca, l-au rugat pe Eduard , care era un calut de mare, sa faca o parte din munca lor. El nici nu arata ca un peste. L-au rugat sa le curete locuintele. Eduard a fost de acord dar n-a fost prea incantat de aceasta.