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In primul rand, am fost dezamagit de ora la care a inceput filmul, a fost destul de tarziu. Filmul a fost destul de rau ales. Nu mai spun de pauza... a fost foarte scurta pentru un film care dureaza 3 ore. Pe lang toate acestea, pretul biletului a fost foarte mare si nici o reducere. Cred ca ar fi fost mai bine daca ar fi inceput la ora 3p.m., daca ar fi fost un film comedie, pauza sa fi fost de 10-15 minute, iar pretul biletului sa fie mai mic.

Răspuns :

Firstly, I was dissapointed by the time when the movie started, it was quite late. The film was quite bad chosen. I'm not saying about the break...it was very short for a film which takes 3 hours. Besides all this, the ticket price was very high and no discount. I think it would have been better if it had begun at hour 3 p.m, or it had been a comedy movie, the break would be 10-15 minutes, and the ticket price to be smaller.