
va rog cateva cuvinte din engleza cu : a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
te rog nu o sterge!

Răspuns :

A is for apple and ant
B is for ballon and bee
C is for chair and cat
D is for dog and dove
E is for elephant and egg
F is for frog and flower
G is for giraffe and game
H is for house and horse
I is for ice-cream and iris
J is for jelly and juice
K is for kite and koala
L is for ladybird and lion
M is for mouse and monkey
N is for newt and nose
O is for octopus and owl
P is for pig and poney
Q is for queen and quill
R is for rocket and reindeer
S is for snake and sunflower
T is for teddybear and taxi
U is for umbrella and uncle
V is for vase and violet
W is for whale and wilderness
X is for xylophone and xerox
Y is for yoyo and youth
Z is for zebra and zero