
traduce-tim si mie va rog acest text ... Liverpool is a large city situated in the northwest of Englad on the River Mersey. It is a lively industrial , cultural and commercial centre and it has a .... of around 500,000 people . In the Liverpool was a large port . In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was famous for its... with North America and Jamaica in sugar ,cotton tobacco and salves. In the nineteenth century it was the main port for millions of ... to the USA from Britain, Scandinavia and Germany

Răspuns :

Liverpool este un mare oras, situat in nordvestul Angliei, pe raul Mersey. Este un centru industrial, cultural si comercial plin de viata si are in jur de 500.000 de locuitori. In Liverpool a fost un mare port. In secolul al XVII-lea si al XVIII-lea orasul era faimos pentru portul sau. Facea schimb de zahar, bumbac, tutun si balsamuri cu America de Nord si Jamaica. In secolul al XIX-lea a fost principalul port pentru milioane de emigranti din Marea Britanie, Scandinavia si Germania spre SUA.