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A trecut cam mult timp sau doar mie mi se pare de când nu am mai primit o veste de la tine.Te cunosc de vreme multa, sau de putina vreme? Mai conteaza oare?
Conteaza numai prietenia aia indestructibila, de care imi vorbeai si pe care la inceput nu am inteles-o. Ce aveam eu sa iti ofer? Nimic. Si totusi mi-ai oferit zambete, rasete, bucurie si o nespusa onoare sa ma numar printre prietenii tai.Ai avut mereu rabdare, si pentru rabdarea asta iti multumesc.
Viata mea e mai bogata pentru ca te-am cunoscut, si pot spune asta cu multa sinceritate. Si sunt lucruri pe care mi le-ai daruit, si care nu se pot rasplati cu altceva decat afectiune si dragoste. Si sper ca macar atat sa ma invrednicesc sa iti dau si eu tie. Mi.as dori ca intr-o zi sa ne revedem iar.
Cu drag prietena ta cea mai buna

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Past a lof of time since i got some news from you ,or is just me who feel this way?I've known you for a long time or a little time?Does it matter?It matters only the indestructible friendship you talked to me that I did not understand at first.What i had to offer you?Nothing.And yet you gave me smiles, laughter, joy and a great honor to count among your friends.You always have patience, and for your patience, thank you.My life is richer because I met you, and I can say that with a lot of sincerity.And there are things you have given me, and that can not be rewarded with anything other than affection and love.And I hope at least so much to invest in giving you. I would like one day to see us again.With love,your best friend.