
match a line in A with a line in B.Make up sentences.
a drassmaker -----------writes programmes for computers
an actor ---------cuts hair
a nurse---------------                                teaches students
an economist ----------------------makes bread
a journalist ---------------drives car/bus
a musician ------------------writes for newspapers
a teacher -------------acts in films and on the stage
a bacher -------------plays a musical instrument
a barber---------------                                sells things
a shop-------------------- assistant looks after sick people in hospital
a driver----------------                                  is an expert in economics
a programmer ---------------------makes women's clothes

dau coroana urgent

Răspuns :

dressmaker - makes women's clothes
actor - acts in films and on the stage
nurse -
 looks after sick people in hospital
economist - 
is an expert in economics
journalist - 
writes for newspapers
musician - plays a musical instrument
teacher - teaches students
barber - cuts hair
shop assistant - sells things
driver - 
drives car/bus 
programmer - writes programmes for computers
dressmaker - makes women's clothes
actor - acts in films and on the stage
nurse -
 looks after sick people in hospital
economist - 
is an expert in economics
journalist - 
writes for newspapers
musician - plays a musical instrument
teacher - teaches students
barber - cuts hair
shop assistant - sells things
driver - 
drives car/bus 
programmer - writes programmes for computers