
cine imi poate traduce corect urmatorul text in engleza : Eu vreau sa vizitez turnul Eiffel deoarece mi se pare un monument impunator si foarte important . As vrea sa urc toate cele 3 etaje mai ales ultimul care iti poate oferii o priveriste minunata asupra Parisului . Turnul Eiffel a avut o contributie insemnata in cel de al doilea razboi mondia , interceptand semnalul radio al inamicilo si ajuta la spionarea acestora . In concluzie turnul Eiffel este un monument important si unul din preferatele mele .

Răspuns :

I want to visit the Eiffel tower, because i think it's a very imposing and important monument. I'd like to climb all the 3 floors, especially the last one: which can offer you an amazing view over Paris. The Eiffel tower had an important contribution in the 2nd World War, intercepting the the radio signal of the enemies, and helping spy on them. In conclusion, the Eiffel tower is a very important monument and one of my favourite.