
Caracterizarea unui dragon in limba engleza (Pentru clasa a 5a)

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E un pic mai greu sa fac o compunere la nivel de clasa aV-a asa ca am inclus cateva caractiristici ale dragonilori. Incearca sa faci o compunere folosind aceste date/
Dragons are a much-loved mythological animal that are gigantic, powerful snake or reptile-like creatures. They have appeared in mythology throughout the ages and are especially popular and cultural in China
Dragons are well-known mythological creatures that have magical powers
The word ‘dragon’’ also comes directly from the Greek drakones or draconta, meaning “to watch”. The Greeks look at dragons as beasts, guarding treasured pieces. The Ancient Greeks believe in 4 dragon species: Chimera – fire-breathing dragon, Dracones – serpent dragon, Cetea – marine dragon and Dracaenae – frightening lady monster dragon.
When dinosaur bones were discovered, they were rumoured to be from dragons.
Their bodies are covered with scales, as are their long tails. Many dragons have red, slanted eyes. They also have claws and long noses. Their size varies from small to pet-sized and even miles long.

Iar la final vei putea incheia compunerea cu urmatoarea fraza :

Sadly, dragons aren’t real – except in our imaginations!
A dragon is a large animal, with scales and capable of breathing fire.
The mythology around dragons is diverse.
In China it is revered and respected.
There has been a surge in popularity after dragons started appearing in mainstream media.
They usually share the same traits:
Scaled body, a great wingspan, a spiked spine, sometimes a barbed tail.
The colours vary greatly from yellow, green and red to pitch black.
As a general rule dragons are capable of spitting fire, therefore greatly increasing the chances of a win in a battle if one was capable of taming one.